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Author: Victoria P. Kasdan, RN, BSN, MPH
Co-founder & Board Chair, Making An Impact

In the vast, often tumultuous sea of nonprofit work, it’s easy to feel like a lone sailor braving the storm. But what if I told you that the secret to not only surviving but thriving lies in joining forces with other seafaring nonprofits? That’s right—collaboration is the lifeboat that can amplify our impact and steer us toward calmer, more fruitful waters.

Pooling Resources and Expertise is Powerful

Collaboration allows nonprofits to share resources, save money, and promote sustainability. But it’s not just about efficiency; it’s about growth and learning. Partnerships bring together diverse expertise and perspectives. One nonprofit might have a knack for grant writing, while another excels in volunteer management. By joining forces, they can leverage each other’s strengths, creating a well-rounded, powerhouse team and inspiring each other to learn and grow.

Collaboration Amplifies Advocacy Efforts

A single voice can be easily drowned out, but a chorus of voices demanding change is hard to ignore. When nonprofits unite, they become a formidable force capable of influencing policy and driving systemic change. It’s like a flash mob—one person dancing alone might get a few puzzled looks, but a coordinated group performance can stop traffic.

Working Together Fosters Community and Shared Purpose

Collaboration reminds us that we’re not in this alone. We’re all striving toward the same goal: making the world a better place. Supporting and uplifting one another fosters a sense of belonging in this shared journey. 

Overcoming Barriers to Collaboration

If collaboration is so great, what hampers nonprofits from doing it more often?

The biggest reason is competition for funding: nonprofits often depend on grants and donations, leading to competition rather than collaboration. Limited funding opportunities create reluctance to share resources and strategies as each organization strives to secure funds for its initiatives.

Another reason is differing missions and priorities: nonprofits have varied missions and approaches, even within the same sector. These differences can hinder collaboration as conflicting strategies and goals make finding common ground challenging. For example, one nonprofit may focus on immediate relief, while another aims for long-term change.

Resource constraints also inhibit collaboration. Building and maintaining collaborative relationships takes time and can be challenging with limited staff and resources, leading organizations to prioritize their immediate needs over the additional workload that collaboration entails.

To foster more collaboration, nonprofits can communicate more openly, align on projects that don’t compromise their mission, and share resources to maximize impact. Donors play a role in facilitating collaboration as well. They can contribute by funding collaborative projects and incentivizing partnerships through grants that reward joint efforts and shared outcomes.

Embracing the Power of Collaboration

Now that we know the benefits outweigh the barriers let’s embrace collaboration and, where it makes sense, share a lifeboat steering in the same direction. Let’s combine our resources, share our expertise, amplify our voices, and build a stronger, more connected community.

Alone, we can do a lot—but together, we can do so much more.